RegistrationChildren are a blessing from the Lord, and innately curious to discover and explore God's world! Our school philosophy is to guide and nurture our students in a faith in Jesus Christ, and to learn to see the world as God's good creation.
Through their academics, activities, worship, play and work, students are drawn into a deeper understanding of God, of themselves, and the adventure God has in store for them as they grow older. Students are given many opportunities to develop emotionally, socially, physically and spiritually. Including through: weekly chapels, monthly Bible memorization, field trips and serving opportunities, physical education, and more. As a parent of a child who is preparing to begin or continue his or her education, we invite you to consider True North Christian Academy.
The A.C.E. program offers you an academic curriculum that includes skill building, goal setting, reading practice, and character building—all with strong Biblical integration! This complete package begins with reading development courses and progresses through high school with the core curriculum and a variety of electives.
A.C.E.'s self-instructional PACEs (Packets of Accelerated Christian Education) allow your students to learn with minimal supervision. Each core subject consists of 12 PACEs per level. However, students are not locked-stepped by these levels. Students who are more skilled may accelerate in their areas of academic strength, while those who find the material more challenging may take as long as necessary to complete it. Each student, while working at his own level of proficiency, will master the material. A.C.E. offers individualized school curriculum for Years 1 – 12. The six core subjects provide for the students’ essential learning needs. These core subjects are Math, English, Science, Social Studies, Word Building (including Etymology) and Literature. Academic electives, stand-alone educational software, and learning-to-read programs are added for enhanced learning opportunities. The curriculum is presented in the form of workbooks called PACEs (Packets of Accelerated Christian Education), and each subject consists of 12 PACEs per level. Students work daily on PACEs one at a time, in each of the subjects.Each student generally completes a minimum of 72 PACEs in one academic year; however, this varies according to the student’s ability. Inside a PACE